What is hydroponics? Simple answer—it’s the future of farming! This cutting-edge soilless cultivation method nourishes crops using water-based nutrient solutions, resulting in higher yields, year-round production, and efficient resource usage. Say goodbye to traditional agriculture’s limitations and discover the potential of controlled environments. Together, let’s discuss sustainable growth and explore the possibilities of hydroponic farming. In other words, get ready to redefine farming as you know it! 

What is Hydroponics?

A hydroponic system is a soilless cultivation method that relies on water-based nutrient solutions to feed plants and support their growth. Unlike traditional farming, which relies on soil as a medium to deliver nutrients to plants, hydroponics provides the necessary nutrients directly to the roots in a controlled environment. This eliminates the variability and limitations of traditional soil-based agriculture, allowing for more precise control over the growing conditions. As a result, farmers can produce high-quality crops year-round, regardless of outside weather.

What is Hydroponics: The Benefits

There are many advantages to hydroponics, including:

  • Enhanced Plant Growth and Yield: Hydroponic systems facilitate optimal nutrient delivery and root oxygenation, providing plants with the ideal conditions for vigorous growth and increased yields.
  • Efficient Use of Resources: With hydroponics, water, space, and nutrients are utilized more efficiently than in traditional soil-based agriculture, making it an attractive and sustainable option for agricultural businesses.
  • Reduction in Environmental Impact: By using water-based nutrient solutions, hydroponic systems minimize the need for harmful pesticides and reduce water consumption by 90%, contributing to environmentally friendly farming practices.

Different Types of Hydroponic Systems

When asking “what is hydroponics and how does it work,” the answer isn’t necessarily a cut and dry one. While the fundamental concept of hydroponics remains the same, the functionality of the system is dependent on the type of hydroponic system used. Here are a few of the common systems in use today:

Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)

This system involves a thin film of nutrient-rich water flowing over the roots of the plants. The plants are usually grown in long channels or tubes with a slight slope, allowing the nutrient solution to flow over the roots and then return to the reservoir. The constant flow of nutrients ensures that the plants receive a steady supply of the required elements for growth.

Deep Water Culture (DWC)

In a DWC system, plant roots are suspended in a nutrient solution and oxygen is supplied through air stones or diffusers to aerate the solution. The roots grow directly in the solution, providing maximum access to nutrients and oxygen. This system promotes rapid plant growth and is ideal for plants that enjoy a higher oxygen level at the root zone.

deep water culture raft with lettuce on it being lifted to expose roots

Deep water culture hydroponics is a highly beneficial system for producing high-yield crops regardless of the season.


Aeroponic systems mist the roots of the plants with a nutrient solution. The roots are suspended in air and periodically misted with the solution, allowing them to absorb the necessary nutrients. This process not only promotes fast growth and efficient nutrient absorption but also facilitates effective nutrient uptake and provides ample oxygen for plant development.

Ebb and Flow

Also known as flood and drain, this system periodically floods the root zone with a nutrient solution, which then drains away. Controlled by a timer, the flooding allows the roots to absorb the necessary nutrients, while the draining ensures oxygenation. This cycle ensures that the roots receive both nutrients and oxygen, promoting healthy growth.

What is Hydroponics? Your Ultimate Growing Solution!

The adoption of hydroponic farming can greatly increase profitability and sustainability for agricultural businesses. By leveraging advanced hydroponic technology, business owners can achieve superior crop yields while maintaining environmentally friendly and space-efficient agricultural practices.

For entrepreneurs looking to revolutionize their farming practices and achieve sustainable growth, partnering with Hydronov for is the key.

Hydronov’s expertise and experience in hydroponic technology design and project management make us the ideal partner for businesses exploring hydroponic solutions. By understanding the unique requirements of those in the agricultural industry, Hydronov offers comprehensive support in implementing successful hydroponic systems. The company’s innovative deep water culture designs and Floating Raft Technology (FRT) has transformed over 3 million square feet of agricultural space, aiding in greenhouse construction and retrofitting projects worldwide.

Ready to unlock the future of agriculture? Contact Hydronov today to learn more about how hydroponics can transform your agricultural business.

Explore the layers of Deep Water Culture! Learn how Deep Water Culture works to create the ultimate growing method! Download your infographic here.